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Top 10 movies on Netflix 2022.


the perfect movie to watch so as weekends are always too short we're gonna save you time and take the stress away from you with this top 10 best Netflix movies in 2022 easy you'll thank me later  

Number 10 zero dark 30.

 let's start this list with the oscar-winning five-time nominee film zero dark 30.
this is a thriller that tells the story of the manhunt for one of the world's
most dangerous men it's about Osama bin Laden who was the leader of the terrorist organization al-Qaeda and the 911 mastermind this movie was released in 2012 and shows the secret work carried out by a
team of military and intelligence agents for almost a decade to find and eliminate this despicable terrorist according to critics it shows the dark side of this war indescribable and lets us decide whether bin laden's death was worth it this highly controversial dramatization starring Jessica Chastain who with the memorable golden globe deserving the performance carried the entire film on her shoulders getting a 91 rotten tomatoes scorn she earned  

Number nine in Gerald's game.

there's nothing like a good psychological horror thriller film basedon the novel of the same name by the master of horror Stephen king gerald's game can make your blood run cold it's about a couple who to save their marriage decide to spend a few days in their little lake house that's where Jesse's survival fight begins because the wife is handcuffed to the bed and has no hope for rescue the woman must beat the madness and desperation in her subconscious to save her life you wouldn't want to be in that situation but it looks like Carla gino who stars in this film would do as her masterful performance took the suspense to unbelievable limits released in 2017 Gerald's game got a 91 rotten tomato score and the writer himself said the film was hypnotic terrifying and fabulous are you ready to watch it   

Number eight el Camino.

is a breaking bad movie if you're one of those who was recently enjoying episodes of breaking bad you better hurry up because it's  a movie that is also available on Netflix these 120 minutes are full of suspense
and got a 92 rotten tomatoes to score it's not surprising though this movie is amazing el Camino follows Jesse pinkman's life as he must escape from the law and his demons from the past to make a fresh start
while Walter white isn't the main character this time he appears in some scenes to boost the story plus the film starring Aaron paul and
was a gift for the fans who enjoyed the last episode of the series six years ago in case you were wondering why this title rumor has it it was in honor of Jesse's Chevrolet el Camino that he drove in a few scenes if I were you I wouldn't be in doubt

Number 7 hustle.

this time we have adam Sandler as a slightly serious star who will get you from start to finish with a new sports drama that I promise won't let you down directed by Jeremiah Zagar the film tells the story of a down-on-his-luck basketball scout who eventually discovers a highly skilled player with a shady past however he'll show him that he has one final chance to succeed on and off the court rocky is that you well this kind of plot will never go out of style right roughly speaking the film received good reviews and got a 93 rotten tomatoes
score well deserved but the best thing about this film released in 2022 was not only Sandler's first-rate performance but also that Juancho hernia Gomes who played the athlete is an actual NBA star did you see that move coming

Number six the power of the dog.

writer-director jane campion is back on the big screen after 11 years and with a masterpiece up her sleeve this psychological drama film tells the
story of two wealthy brothers who are the exact opposite of each other Phil is elegant and cruel whereas George is impassive and kind so when George decides to marry a local widow Phil wages a relentless war using his effeminate son as bait by stunning photography this adaptation of Thomas savage's book of the same name reflects the inner monsters of repression in a conservative society a never-ending topic hypnotic and amazing this film released in 2021 had an exceptional cast where benedict Cumberbatch stands out thanks to his imposing and terrifying performance you'll get to hate him the film has a 94 rotten tomato score and has been nominated 21 times for best
picture in different competitions you don't want to miss it 

Number 5 the sea beast.

after working 25 years for Disney Oscar-winning director Chris Williams decided to leave the animation giant to venture into a new product with greater creative freedom and after coming to Netflix the writer also managed to develop an original animated story with a 94 rotten tomato score a high rating the plot imagines a sea adventure where Jacob a captain insisting on fighting unknown creatures finds out another way to see the world thanks to many an unexpected little companion who joins the group of hunters this film has the great voices of Zarya's angel Heitor and carl urban the sea beast was released in 2022 and is perfect for adults and kids to get ready for the most exciting adventure of your life

Number four taxi driver.

it's time for a classic of the seventh art taxi driver a dramatic film released in 1976. yes you've heard right it's so good it's still going strong the plot focuses on the life of Travis Bickle a lone veteran who works as a night taxi driver his perception of the evil that is sinking the city feeds his desire for violence until one day he decides to act it's terrifying but the most surprising thing is that the screenwriter Paul Schrader was inspired by the diaries of the criminal Arthur
Bremmer who tried to kill the presidential candidate George Wallace
back in 1972. Robert de Niro was responsible for starring in this film under the direction of Martin Scorsese
who also has a cameo the film won several awards and four
oscar nominations and as if that weren't enough in 1994 it was culturally historically and aesthetically significant by the u.s library of
congress's no coincidence that it currently has a 96 rotten tomatoes score according to critical

Number three the hurt locker.

this film was directed by Catherine  Bigelow and thanks to it there was the first woman to win an Oscar for the best direction it's historic this thriller starring Jeremy Renner portrays the intense life of an elite soldier squad led by sergeant William James who also disarm bombs in combat zones a job that could end their lives in an explosive instant
written by journalist and screenwriter mark bowle this film combines action and human drama to expose the high risk
faced by the army released in 2008 it won six Oscars so it
was one of the best war dramatic films  of modern cinema by critics
plus it got a 97 rotten tomato score almost perfect.

Number two his house.

making a stunning cinema to graphic debut writer-director Remy weeks taught us how to bring horror to the big screen with a 93-minute film that will make you suffer every second the story is about a couple of refugees trying to adapt to their new life in an English city that has an undeniable evil in its entrails and it persecutes them
even in their own home  but the plot goes beyond the
conventional haunted house this psychological horror film is a social
the critique that not only shows the pain guilt and wounds suffered by migrants but also confirms that a mind with these
traumas are the darkest place to live how scary released in 2020 this film stars wanna make and shop Darius and received outstanding reviews with a 100 rotten tomatoes score bonus blue jasmine the comedy never hurts especially if its plot is full of drama we're on the same page aren't we this movie shows the best performance of kate Blanchette playing jasmine french having been abandoned by her partner she goes from having a luxurious life to going through financial hardships with
serious consequences that will affect not only her but everyone around her written and directed by woody Allen this critically acclaimed film promises to entertain you from start to finish I can
bet on it alright it's time to introduce you to your best option of a binge-worthy movie on Netflix for the weekend

Number one leaves no trace. 

the story of this deeply humanistic film
will touch even the least sensitive fiber of your heart at least that's what happened to me this Deborah Garnick directed drama is based on the real story of peter rock's novel my abandonment it's about a father
with post-traumatic stress disorder who lives with his daughter perfectly but  illegally in a nature reserve in Oregon however, everything gets complicated when they're abruptly found and detained by the police being subjected to a change too abrupt and cruel to reinsert themselves into normal life impossible not to feel affected above all because of the chemistry that the stars ben foster and Thomas and Mackenzie managed to transmit their acting work was brilliant and the
a fundamental piece for this film released in 2018 to receive great reviews and a 100 rotten tomatoes score
what a spotless rating nice now your movie nights at home are
figured out you're so welcome if you enjoyed this blog.
hey but don't go you still have more to
see just with for my next blog.

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